Breathe, Baby, Breathe: The Fresh Air of African Values
Welcome to Breathe, Baby, Breathe, a podcast from Community Healing Network, where we engage Culture Carriers in conversations that light the path to emotional emancipation and cultural healing for people of African ancestry. Listen in each month for a new conversation that will offer you emotional and cultural strength for the journey ahead. Come, breathe in the fresh air of African values. (Listeners' note: we were unable to remove approximately 90 seconds of the background noise that occurs during President Aird's opening remarks in Episode One. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.) || #DefytheLie and #EmbracetheTruth to #FlourishWhileBlack
Breathe, Baby, Breathe: The Fresh Air of African Values
Reclaiming Our Rightful Place in the Circle of Humanity
Community Healing Network
Season 1
Episode 2
Enola G. Aird, Founder and President of the Community Healing Network (CHN), joins us in this second episode of Breathe, Baby, Breathe: The Fresh Air of African Values. From the origins of CHN to the final vision of a world where Black people have moved from surviving to thriving, we embark on a wonderful and deep conversation regarding the racially-charged times that surrounds us in 2020 as well as the steps Black people must take to move forward and reclaim their rightful place in the circle of humanity. The work of emotional emancipation from the lie of White superiority and Black inferiority is essential for non-Black people as well. As Enola asks, "Who will welcome us back into the circle of humanity?"